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The mere insertion of plants into the built environment can enhance comfort, satisfaction, well- being and performance.

Biophilic Design

Edgware Road Tube Station Living Wall, Marylebone

  • London, United Kingdom
  • 2011
  • For Transport for London (TFL)
  • 180m2
  • Maintained by Biotecture
  • Publicly viewable

Project Details

  • Prominent public location
  • Plants chosen to improve air quality and tackle air pollution

Biotecture Living Walls 10 Year Anniversary Badge

Transport for London commissioned Biotecture to design, grow and install this eye-catching living green wall in a determined effort to counter air pollution in London. The Living Wall is fixed to the side of the underground station. In the 1960’s the row of shop fronts to the south of the station were demolished to create room for the adjacent fly over and this large blank wall remained. The location, on the corner Marylebone Road, was one of the areas identified as needing urgent air quality improvement. Funded by the government’s Clean Air Fund, the air quality benefits of the wall were monitored by Imperial College London who assessed the chosen plants for their ability to remove particulate matter from the air.

The huge green wall holds 14,000 plants of 15 different species with smaller leaves and a variety of textures, which were specifically chosen as they are better air filters of PM10 – harmful particulates from traffic fumes.

Biotecture’s green wall at Edgware Road is one of the many projects supported by the Mayor of London’s ambitious Clean Air Fund to improve London’s air quality.

The planting design for the Edgware Road Living Wall is made up of intersecting, wavy, vertical lines which have the effect of softening the building and creating a naturalistic planting style.

To learn more about the benefits to the environment, people and businesses of outdoor living walls you can visit our ‘Benefits of exterior living walls‘ page.

Delivering cleaner air for London is a top priority for me; this ingenious green wall traps harmful pollution on one of our busiest roads, helping to cleanse the air at this popular spot, as well as helping to soften and beautify the local environment.

Boris Johnson The Mayor of London